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Do I Need a Paternity Test?

paternity test in san mateo

When parents split up, determining child custody, child support, and other related issues can be challenging. In many cases, it can take some time to figure out exactly how to work out these issues. The courts generally look at a variety of factors when determining which parent will have primary custody and how much each […]

Child Custody Lawyer in San Mateo County

parents fighting over divorce and child custody

Understanding child custody may need the services of a San Mateo County child custody lawyer. Bradley Bayan has served residents in and around San Mateo County and shares this information on child custody in California. Determining child custody involves defining the legal and practical responsibilities of a parent or guardian. If a dispute over child […]

Visitation Plans – What Works Best?

Father And Son Hugging And Embrace In Forest. Happy Dad And Chil

Child visitation plans after divorce can be the most difficult part of ending a marriage. Although you and your spouse will have to adjust in many ways after divorce, it’s especially challenging to figure out how much time each parent will get with your kids. The majority of divorcing couples struggle with this final step […]

Shared Custody in California

parents discussing about child custody with lawyer

In California, both parents have the right to participate equally, meaning shared custody, in their child’s upbringing after divorce. If you and your ex cannot come to an agreement about custody of your child, a judge will make the final decision based on what is best for your kid. If both parents are able, willing, […]

How Much Child Support Will I Get?

child support in california

You may not be living with your child or partner anymore, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have to support them financially. If you are the custodial parent (meaning you have primary custody of your child), you will need to know how much child support you can expect from the other parent. In California, there […]